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Case Study
Beaule was a new entrant to the competitive beauty market and lacked brand awareness and credibility. Not wanting to engage in price competition, Beaule is not on Fave and other 3rd party platforms.
Hear our story on how we helped Beaule gain brand awareness and increase their appointment rate.
increase in click through rate

We spotted a market gap: Most beauty salon chains are using western beauty treatments with high technology and man-made chemicals.
Since Beaule has only 1 outlet, they offer an intimate therapist-client relationship. Also, a firm believer of 'prevention is better than cure,' Beaule provides natural, non-invasive TCM beauty treatments.
We decided to focus on strategy on the older females who care about health and wellness rather than the younger females as the former are the underserved target audience in Singapore. We created content for two languages : Chinese and English as older females tend to be Chinese speaking. Over time, we managed to position Beaule as a salon that offers personalised wellness service to promote inner health and natural beauty, acquiring many customers and enquiries

Let Our Results Speak

Creation of International Women's Day Promotion

Creation of Year end Promotion
Creation of Year end Promotion

Generated 70 enquiries directly to Whatsapp for International Women's Day Promotion.

Generated 138 whatsapp message enquiries for Christmas Promotion.
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